Rick Pamplin Interview (Pamplin Film Company) by Dawn Reese

Dawn Reese
with Mr. Rick Pamplin, owner
Pamplin Film Company


Before I start my interview, I want to thank Ed Donovan from Focus In newspaper for connecting me to Mr. Rick Pamplin from Pamplin Film Company.

I am honored to have this Exclusive Interview with Mr. Pamplin I call the Heart of Florida for films; Let me Welcome Mr. Pamplin with An Awesome Interview Advise from the Heart.

Dawn: Thank you for your time to interview with me for Mr. James Browns Magazine called Truth: Is there anything you would like to say To Mr. James Brown?

Rick: Yes, nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm. But he already knows that.

Dawn: Can you tell my readers about Pamplin Film Company?

Rick:  We’re a small, independent production company located at Universal Studios Florida with some big plans.

Dawn: Tell us what your next film is about and the actors you will be working with here in

Rick:  It’s called “Crimebusters,” sort of The Little Rascals meets “
Police Academy.”  We’ve already signed Oscar-winner Ernest Borgnine, Luke Tarsatino, Michael Winslow (from “Police Academy”) and Oscar the dog, making his big screen debut.  We’ve talked to James Caan “(“The Godfather”) and Bo Derek and a number of other “name” actors as well.  It has a large cast.  Plus, of course, a number of parts for Florida actors.

Dawn: Do you see more work for actors here in

Rick:  Sure, our industry, despite some uninformed mass media doom and gloom, is here to stay in
Florida and I see production of feature films, TV shows and music videos growing in the near future.

Dawn: We have a huge data base of talent, here in Florida and
LA, we help talent get connected, and Please tell talent over 30 there is more work, up to any age as Parents think they are to Old, And I have people in their 70s working, advice from to them even if it is extra work, what they can expect working past 30 and people you have worked with.

Rick:  I think the media gives a distorted picture and discourages talent.  There are always roles for talented actors.  Ernest Borgnine starred in my film “
Hoover” when he was 80.  Ernie is 86 now and we’ve just signed a three-picture deal with him for three new features, all to be shot in Florida.  Age is irrelevant to talent. 


Dawn: You had told me briefly on the phone you are in the same office where Ron Howard was, that is a lucky spot, who have you enjoyed working with so far since working at Universal?

Rick:  The irrepressible Ernest Borgnine, the hilarious Michael Winslow, Joey Fatone – when you have the corner office in the producers building at a major movie studio, people just drop in.  Hulk Hogan, James Best, dozens of stars and talented actors come by.  I’ve run into Tom Hanks and Jodie Foster in the hallways.  In the men’s room I mistook Paul Newman for a handyman – until I looked over and caught those baby blue eyes.


A couple years ago, my then 13 year-old son was at my office one day when Brittany Spears asked him to go with her to Halloween Horror Nights.  She was just hanging around.  Unfortunately, she held his hand and he started liking girls after that.  Thanks, Brittany.


The best kept secret in show business is Universal Studios Florida.  I lived and worked in Los Angeles for 18 years and worked on a syndicated national TV series for one year in Las Vegas.  The facilities, crews and attitudes in Florida are world-class.  We can make more movie here for less money and at Universal Studios Florida our soundstages, backlot and production offices can give you Hollywood production values at greatly reduced Florida rates.  It’s an independent filmmaker’s dream.

Dawn: How did you start out in this business?

Rick:  I was an actor, studied in
Hollywood, did some extra work, fell into writing, graduated with a Master’s Degree and ended up homeless for awhile.  Lived in my car, a Chevy Nova, and tried to hustle writing jobs.  Went to a writing class, the teacher didn’t show, they asked me to teach the class. I started asking producers to speak to my class and they started buying scripts from me.  I taught for nine years, 1,500 students, we sold 65 scripts, many to studios, including some of my own.

Dawn: What is the best part of your job?

Rick: Having it.  For years I worked a variety of jobs; reader, actor, boom man, production assistant, assistant director, writer, teacher, radio talk show host – anything to survive and not give up my dream.  Once you’re homeless and survive that, you become fearless.  I never took a job outside of the business for fear I’d never get back in the business, so I was poor and starved and was homeless, but I never gave up my dream.


The best part is that I write, produce and direct films for a living.  The absolute best part is writing checks to investors – which usually means I’ll be able to make another movie.

Dawn: What advice can you give new film students about landing a job for camera or working with a production company?

Rick: Well, I used teaching and the contacts I made to sell scripts to places like

Warner Bros. and Disney, then got an assistant director’s job on a TV show, wrote a great one location “spec” script and directed three shorts, one of which was really good and sold.  So, in short, get experience, get educated, have samples of your work, and knock on every door.  Believe in yourself until someone else eventually does too.

Dawn: Can you give some advice from the Heart about The Reality of this Business, which some people think it is over night success.

Rick: I lived next door to and was a friend of Sly Stallone’s before “Rocky” was released.  It took him seven years to “make it” in the business. “Gandhi” – the Oscar winning film – took 20 years to get made.  Never get discouraged, never give up and listen to no one but yourself.  If you have talent, you’ll find a way in.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes, only that you get there.  

Dawn: Why Good Headshots and Resumes and Training are so very Important.

Rick:  Everything matters.  Every detail.  Every person you meet.  Today’s secretary is tomorrow’s Oscar-winning producer.  Respect everyone and always see their true potential, not their current station in life.  Arnold Schwarzenegger once told me only to work with the best people.  In
Hollywood, I had a hard time getting through to the top industry people.  In Florida, it’s easy.  That’s why I always tell people, stay here, build an industry, you’re on the ground floor.  Forget L.A.

Dawn: If Talent would like to send you Pictures and Resumes, Can they send them to your casting dept. at what address.

Rick: Yes.  We’re a signatory to the Screen Actors Guild, but we do look at non-union talent as well.  I prefer a heartfelt cover letter with my name spelled correctly as well. Send it to: Casting Dept., Pamplin Film Company, 1000
Universal Studios Plaza, Building 22A, Suite #250, Orlando, FL 32819.

Dawn: What about singers can they send a demo and their CD for scores for your movies, and what might you look for?

Rick: Talent. Period. The composer for “
Hoover” was an unknown Orlando musician doing TV jingles for a car dealer and his name appeared on Academy Award ballots when the film opened in Los Angeles. Part of my job is being able to spot talent.

Dawn: If talent has a question for you can they email you, I have to ask as some Producers say Yes or No.

Rick: Sure. PFCfilm @aol.com.

Dawn: What is your favorite saying or quote?

Rick: “Never, ever, ever, ever give up.” Winston Churchill.

Dawn: Any survival stories from this business?

Rick: Anyone who makes a living in this business is a survival story.  It’s a cold, heartless, back stabbing, immoral, cruel, lying and deceptive business.  Like life itself.  All that really matters is the work, and, as I get older, I care less about all the fluff and sizzle and focus more on the substance of my work.  Oddly, the better your work is, the harder it is to sell. If it’s original or unique, it’s a harder sell.


Dawn: Anything you would like to talk about?


Rick:  Florida.  This is the golden age of independent Florida filmmaking and most people don’t see it.  We need to build a strong foundation here, support local vendors, studios, talent and crews and offer a serious alternative to Hollywood.  If you like Hollywood, go there.  Good luck.  But you can live better here, make more movie for less money, pay less taxes, return more money to your investors, and live in paradise versus the Sodom and Gomorrah Hollywood’s become over the last few years.

 Dawn: Can you tell us how you take chill time out from showbiz, how do you relax with your family and why this is important with your work? ( More people need to do this.)

Rick: Well, God controls my work.  I am trying to live in “The City of God” and be a good person in an immoral industry.  So, my son, Ryan, and my wife, Maggie, a wood sculptor, are my islands of sanity and connection with real life.  God, family and love are things I care about deeply and try to reflect in my work.  We don’t do gratuitous violence, sex, racism, hatred, sexism or the mindless exploitation stuff
Hollywood manufactures daily.   

Dawn: This is so very Important, how do you have a Successful marriage in show business,  can you give some advice to Inspire more People what is really important in this life how to stay together, in this Business. What is your secret?

Rick: Actually, I’m a newlywed.  We got married almost a year ago.  Cast your mate carefully; values and the core spirituality of a person matters most, so follow your instincts. Looks, attraction and sizzle all fade; the heart and soul of a person don’t.  


St. Augustine wrote a book in 450 A.D. called “City of God,” which is one of three films we are developing.  You can live in the city of man, by man’s rules, or chose to live by God’s rules, definitely the harder and more difficult road.  But if you live in “The City of God” your stay on earth is just a small part of your journey and you are part of God’s greater plan.  I try to live in “The City of God” and don’t much care about the city of man.  But, as a filmmaker, there aren’t many of us here.  It’s kind of lonely.  I’m hoping to change that and make films that can play at “The City of God” cinema – and I’m hoping more filmmakers will join me so we can influence the industry in a positive, moral way.

This is Dawn till Dusk interview for Mr. James Brown’s magazine
|want to thank you from the Heart of your words of inspiration and Helping talent get connected, and Advice from the Heart.
I know talent will learn from you and what to expect to be better actors. I look forward to our on camera interview at Universal Studios for my TV show The Dawn Reese show, Winning Edge Showbiz Connection, to help youth and Talent find the Extra Edge in showbiz, Please visit our site at
our email is on the main site, We are looking for talent for my TV show all ages, with awesome interview on camera with Top Producers, Casting directors, celebrities, To help singers sell their music, and so much more.
Again another Winning connection from Universal Studios Florida, see you soon with more Connections.
You can call us at
800 519-5845
See you in the movies: :)